Arborglyphs, Petroglyphs, and Pictographs

One to Three Days


Arborglyphs are tree carvings made in the bark of aspen trees by Basque sheepherders throughout North Eastern Nevada. Like the sheepherders who carved them, the arborglyphs are vanishing from Northern Nevada, as the trees succumb to the ravages of time, fires, development, vandals, disease, insects, and old age. You could take a whole day searching for the oldest carving or just photographing them as they are disappearing.  Please note: It is illegal to carve on aspen trees on the national forests and grasslands!

Rock Art

Several impressive, but extremely fragile, rock art sites exist in White Pine County. All sites in White Pine County are very difficult to access and require a high-clearance vehicle just to get within hiking distance. Visit our website or the local BLM office for locations.

Please do not touch them in any manner. “Take Nothing but Photographs and Leave Nothing but Footprints” so others may enjoy this wonderful and irreplaceable art too. Add a day and visit the Baker Village or the Baker Archaeological Site