2 Person Scramble (White Pine Golf Course) Details: HDCP 50% Lower 30% of Higher for team HDCP Note: Tee times for tournaments in first half are 9:00 am with $15 Entry unless otherwise noted.
Nevada Scramble (White Pine Golf Course) Details: Four-Person Scramble with alternating Tees. Hole #1/ 1st player on scorecard plays blue tees, 2nd white, 3rd yellow, 4th red. Hole #2 / everyone moves up one tee except player who played red tee shall now play blue tee, etc. Roll dice for selected tee shot. Form own […]
Memorial Day Tournament (White Pine Golf Course) Details: Entry Fee $8.00 per player per night with $1.00 going to course Improvement. Winner of First Half will play winner of Second Half for League Championship. Second place in each half will play for third.
Memorial Day Tournament (White Pine Golf Course) Details: 36 hole 2 person net tournament. Pick your own partner. First 9 holes will be played as a scramble, second nine holes will be modified scotch, third nine holes will be a best ball and the last 9 holes will be a two-person total net. $200.00 added […]
Memorial Day Tournament (White Pine Golf Course) Details: 36 hole 2 person net tournament. Pick your own partner. First 9 holes will be played as a scramble, second nine holes will be modified scotch, third nine holes will be a best ball and the last 9 holes will be a two-person total net. $200.00 added […]
Memorial Day Tournament (White Pine Golf Course) Details: 36 hole 2 person net tournament. Pick your own partner. First 9 holes will be played as a scramble, second nine holes will be modified scotch, third nine holes will be a best ball and the last 9 holes will be a two-person total net. $200.00 added […]
Memorial Day Tournament (White Pine Golf Course) Details: Entry Fee $8.00 per player per night with $1.00 going to course Improvement. Winner of First Half will play winner of Second Half for League Championship. Second place in each half will play for third.
Memorial Day Tournament (White Pine Golf Course) Details: 36 hole 2 person net tournament. Pick your own partner. First 9 holes will be played as a scramble, second nine holes will be modified scotch, third nine holes will be a best ball and the last 9 holes will be a two-person total net. $200.00 added […]