Mark your calendar and start reading! Our next Bristlecone Book Club selection is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig. (It's a classic that has inspired millions)
GET KNIT at the Bristlecone General Store GET KNIT: Wind your way into spring with a creative weaving project using a wide variety of materials. No experience necessary!
GET FIT at the Bristlecone General Store GET FIT: After a hike in the Confusion Range (aka Cupcake Range), eat cupcakes! Doesn't get better than this. Meet the Bristlecone General Store at 12:30pm and then carpool to the trailhead, 20 minutes east of Baker off of Hwy 50. No snowshoes necessary.
GET LIT at the Bristlecone General Store GET LIT: The new book selection is: "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, a riveting tale of adventure and self-exploration. There are copies at the store for sale or to borrow. This book will enrich your life, give you new perspectives on your purpose, strengthen your convictions and contemplate […]