Make sure you’re not wearing your Sunday best during this year's Crab Crack on February 8th at the Ely Elks Lodge, because attempting to be dainty is a losing strategy at this type of event.
Open Long Range Shoots Every Last Saturday Steptoe Valley Trap, Skeet and Target will be holding Long Rance and Critter Shoots the last Saturday and Sunday of each month. Long Range Rifle Shoot - Saturdays Critter Shoots - Sundays Sign in and set up will begin 7:00am Safety Briefing at 7:50am Shooting Begins at 8:00am […]
It's National Nevada Day In 2017, the National Day Calendar began celebrating each state in the order they entered the union, and March 29th is the day they recognize Nevada. We all know that home means Nevada, and in that spirit, here's to the Silver State!