Fears, Tears, and Beers Mountain Bike Enduro
June 14, 2025
The Oldest Enduro Mountain Bike Race In The Country
How We Got Started
With Years of Racing History, Fears, Tears, and Beers is America’s Oldest Enduro Bike Race. Starting out as a motocross format for racing, it got adopted by local converts to mountain biking and the rest is history. I mean really, who cares how fast you make it to the top, it’s all about sending it on the way back home.
Our Founders
There have been a few organizers of this event over the years, but the one thing you can guarantee… this event is for mountain bikers by mountain bikers on some of the best terrain in the west.
Our First Race
Being the first race of this format in America, FTB has attracted top name mountain bikers over the years, some who have gone on to be inducted into the MTB Hall of Fame. What started out as a funny suggestion, riding through the casinos to start the race is still one of the most unique experiences in mountain biking.
Funds Raised for GBTA
Register to Race!
Fears, Tears, and Beers
Mountain Bike Enduro Race
June 14, 2025
Expert Class: 33.3 miles, 3,400′ elevation gain, 5 timed sections
Be prepared for the weather. We have had everything from hot and sunny to very wet and snowing.
Contact Kent Robertson-(775-289-6042) or Kelly Ernest-(775-296-0910) for more information
Event Coordinators

Kent Robertson