White Pine MTB Mission
Your Mission If You Choose To Accept it….
Mission Orders:
Length of time: The Entire Month of May and June
Location: The Many Mountain Biking Trails Throughout White Pine County
Task: Ride at least 50% of the mountain bike trails listed in the guide below. Check off each ride in your guide and track on Strava or simialr ride app to substantiate your completed mission. Finally, submit you mission documents to White Pine County Tourism and Recreation at 150 Sixth Street Ely, NV.
Mission Notes: Trail data, including maps can be found on Trailforks.com, Our MTB page, or in the Mountain Bike Trails Brochure which can be obtained at the Bristlecone Convention Center in Ely, Nevada.
Reward For A Completed Mission: Your mission will be finalized with a “Mission Accomplished” stamp on your completed documents. You will also receive a one of a kind mission memorabilia (While Supplies Last) commemorating your completed mission. Everyone who completes their mission will be entered into a drawing for great prizes!
Social: We would love to see your accomplishments, please tag us in your pictures using #RideElyNV and @VisitElyNevada
Upcoming Events:
Race The Rails – September 11
Fears, Tears, and Beers – June 12

Download Your Mission Docs
Download and print this 2 sided PDF with all the information needed for your MTB Mission. Mission must be completed by June 30th. Incomplete mission documents will result in a failed mission.