Take It To The Lake

For A Gorgeous Run: Take It To The Lake by Matt Weiser If you want to run a half-marathon, but don’t want to pound the pavement in some smoggy city, how about this: A dirt road among aspen-filled mountains, bathed in clean air and the music of nature? That’s what you...

8/27/19 Agenda for Regular Meeting

Click on the links below for the pdf version of the August meeting agenda and last meetings minutes. Agenda 8/27/19 Meeting Minutes for 7/23/19 Regular Meeting
Historically a hot spot for UFO sightings in Nevada

Historically a hot spot for UFO sightings in Nevada

Historically A Hot Spot For UFO Sightings In Nevada by Matt Weiser Most people have heard of Area 51, the secret military installation in Southern Nevada where the government allegedly warehouses and dissects alien spacecraft captured on Earth. It has become a kind of...