Free Flu Shot Day is the day for you and your family to receive flu shots for no charge (as the title implies)!
This October, join us for the best viewing of UFOs, Headless Horsemen, Hitchhiking Ghosts, Haunted Tunnels, Creepy Campfires, and Ghastly Ghost towns right alongside Nevada Northern Railway's mainline up to […]
Our public art has played a huge role in showcasing what makes White Pine distinctive and what's interpreted about our great county. Taken proper advantage of, public art can have […]
Etsy is the leading global marketplace for selling handmade and vintage goods to more than 40 million customers. If you’re a Native artist or crafts-person, creating a store and selling on Etsy is an easy, straight-forward process. IDRS has created the Etsy Craft Entrepreneurship Workshop for artists/crafters that are looking to expand their customer base […]
This October, join us for the best viewing of UFOs, Headless Horsemen, Hitchhiking Ghosts, Haunted Tunnels, Creepy Campfires, and Ghastly Ghost towns right alongside Nevada Northern Railway's mainline up to the old Ruth Mine.
Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States.
Come and join us for the Community Halloween Party at the Bristlecone Convention Center on October 25 from 2-4pm. You don't have worry about cost. Admittance is just you wearing a costume!